Dhamma Talk Notes: Sensual Pleasure Versus Spiritual Pleasure

These notes are from Ajahn Brahmali's talk titled Sensual Pleasure Versus Spiritual Pleasure.

The idea of neutralizing pleasure with pain is wrong view.

Follow the precepts, saying no to short term pleasure in favor of long term happiness and doing what is right.

Spiritual pleasure involves doing something that is kind, generous, or compassionate, resulting in joy.

There are two types of happiness. The first one is worldly happiness which you have limited control over. For example, you might have a partner in life but cannot prevent that partner from dying. In general, worldly happiness is uncertain.

The second type of happiness is spiritual happiness, and it is different because you usually have control over it. You have control over your own morality, virtue, and actions.

Sensual pleasure is tied up with craving. You're always trying to get more. Internal contentment is something that cannot be filled up with external things. It's when you say to yourself, “this time I will feel complete,” but you end up wanting that thing more because it didn't fill you up as you expected. On the other hand, spiritual pleasure makes you feel full as it is not tied to craving.

During deep meditation, with the five senses no longer pulling you in different directions towards worldly pleasures, spiritual happiness arises naturally.