Solving the World's Problems

Building a hospital in a developing country is wholesome and helps people. But no matter how many hospitals we build, we will never solve the world's problems.

World problems are simply experience. In ultimate reality, there is no good experience or bad experience. There is only experience.

The real problem is our perception of reality, so when we fight against something, we become part of the problem.

The only true solution to fix the world's problems is to fix our own minds. What does this mean? It means we strive to observe reality objectively. The practice of meditation allows this. It allows us to observe reality and see it for what it is.

Through the practice of meditation, we learn about ourselves. We learn how we react to experience. We work to purify our minds and free them from greed, anger, and delusion.

Once we see reality for what it is, the vast majority of “problems” in daily life cease to exist.